Axis and specific objective
P.A. 2 / S.O. 2.1 No. 405 - Small Scale Project
Project acronym
Strengthen EXchanges of experiences to enhance quality products and services for sustainable development of TouRism in South Adriatic Region
Project Summary

The Southern Adriatic area has a high tourism potential, thanks to its natural, cultural, historical and archaeological heritage. EXTRA aims to enhance targeted tourism sectors (enogastronomic, green, trekking, biking, fishing, etc.) and create a shared space between the involved actors, offering the opportunity to meet, exchange and increase knowledge, through the presentation of good practices. To this end, the project will develop a joint programme of workshops and B2B experience laboratories, following the principles of sustainable tourism, with a focus on parks, Natura 2000 sites, traditional agricultural practices, and typical products. The final goal is to contribute to smart management of tourism destinations in the Programme area.

Main Outputs
Main outputs

-    Cross-border forum of local tourism actors 

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Lead Partner
Consorzio di Gestione di Torre Guaceto - Contacts: Francesco de Franco - segreteria[at]
Project Partners
Project Partners
Qendra Shqiptare per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit dhe Zhvillimin e Qendrueshem (AL)
road sign


Tourism and Culture


Project Closed

Lead Partner Location


Teaser Image
man silhouette on bicycle
Total budget
Total Budget
87.000,00 EUR
EU Contribution
EU Contribution
IPA co-financing 85%
01.07.2020 / 30.06.2021

Consorzio di Gestione di Torre Guaceto
Via Sant’Anna, 6 – Carovigno (IT)